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Which Is Best? Veneers Or Invisalign

Veneers or invisalign

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are thin covers made of porcelain or resin laminate. These are adhered to the surface of your teeth to reshape broken, misshapen, or irregular teeth. They are also useful to cover the surface of your teeth if you want to invest in a whiter smile. You may now know this, but porcelain veneers are less susceptible to future stains than your teeth are.

What Can I Expect From The Process Of Getting Veneers?

Veneers can usually be put on your teeth within three dental visits.

1. During your consultation, you and your dentist can discuss your dental needs and aesthetic goals. Your dentist will let you know what options you have and provide you with information on what to expect.

2. During the second appointment, your dentist will remove a small portion of your tooth enamel to prepare your teeth for the veneers. A mold will be made of your teeth and sent off to a lab so that they can prepare your custom veneers for your brand-new smile.

3. This third visit will be your final appointment unless your dentist schedules a follow-up to see how your mouth and gums are adjusting to the new veneers. Your dental team will expertly bond the veneers to the surface of your teeth so that you can enjoy your new, whiter smile.

It is worth noting before investing that veneers do not last forever. With good care, veneers that are not chipped or broken can last up to 7-15 years. It is also important to know that you can experience tooth decay under the veneers, so be sure to take good care of your teeth. Brush twice a day, floss once and day, and make sure that you make time for dentist’s appointments twice a year. 

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a transparent alternative to braces. This process uses clear aligner trays that are worn every day and night, except while eating, flossing, or brushing your teeth. Invisalign trays are customized to each patient’s teeth, making them practically invisible when socializing, so you don’t need to worry about anyone taking notice when you are laughing and talking with other people.

What Can I Expect From The Invisalign Process?

Patients receive a sequence of trays, each of which is slightly different than the one before. The aligners provide a slight resistance to the teeth, forcing them to move into alignment over time. There is no need to change your diet to avoid foods that could damage your aligners, as you take them off before eating. Once your Invisalign treatment is finished, your results can stay permanent with proper maintenance. Be sure to wear your retainer as instructed, and visit your dentist for routine check-ups and twice-yearly cleaning. You may need to wear the Invisalign for years to get the results you want. The amount of time that you need to wear the aligner may be increased if you aren’t wearing it 22 hours a day as instructed.

Which Is Right For Your Needs?

Are you unhappy with the look of your teeth?  Dental veneers may be right for you if you are searching for an alternative to crowns and caps. Veneers can help you if you have certain gaps between your teeth, or teeth that are broken, chipped, irregularly shaped, or misaligned. Veneers can also help if you are tired of whitening your teeth all the time. It’s a more permanent solution for whiter teeth.

If you have crooked or crowded teeth, perhaps Invisalign would be a good fit. Whatever your needs are, the qualified dentists over at Altoona Smiles will help you make an informed decision based on your wants and needs. If you live in or near Altoona, IA, and are ready for professional input about how veneers or Invisalign can improve your smile, consider Altoona Smiles. Call 515-200-1299 to schedule an appointment today.


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